
Digital Product
Project Overview
The task was to revolutionize an online platform that was aimed at professional matchmaking. Working with antiquated methods of information collection, heavy data-entry flows, and a confusing process for users, we reimagined an online experience that easily flowed users through a journey that paired them with the best possible professional matches. Complex systems were developed and simplified for users to create a digestible journey that encouraged users to not only complete the process of matchmaking, but would build a database for future use and learning.
My Contributions
Wireframing & Prototyping
Information Architecture
Defining User Journeys & Outcomes
UX Research
UX Design
Accessibility Testing
Development Collaboration
A scalable dashboard and user experience.
Product Design
I approached this project from a mobile-first perspective. As much of the old process involved a combination of static PDFs and desktop-only considerations, the entire environment needed to be reimagined. A logged in experience that allows users to make and update their preferences at key points throughout their journey was developed for desktop, tablet, and mobile experiences.
Tested for success.
Product Design
We made sure to do extensive testing with key stakeholders and plan navigators that previously held the burden of filling out most of the information we had turned into dynamic processes. Alleviating the amount of work required by the admin was a key success measure, and they were a main point of contact for our testing and iteration. We reimagined the entire experience, from onboarding to matchmaking and referrals, which set the foundation for Consero to build a dynamic database that can be scaled for larger success.
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